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Riding with Us

With a huge following in the motorcycle scene & featuring vlogs and videos of our travels, Tambak Overlanders has planned & organized riding trips into Malaysia & Thailand with our fans & followers.


Anyone is free to join, regardless of riding class, make, model & experience.


Guiding the Way

Tambak Overlanders' riding trips are mostly catered towards new & inexperienced riders. Given the nature of Class 2B motorcycles in our convoy, our speeds & pace also match respectively. The goal is not to ride there fast, but rather give fellow riders an experience of what it is like traveling in the highways & rural kampong roads of Malaysia.


The end goal is to give new and inexperienced riders a head start and confidence before eventually setting off in their own riding adventures into Malaysia and beyond.


Learning Thru Experience

With experience in hand, with feedback & discussions from the community, crews, and stakeholders; we endeavor to make our rides as safe & well prepared as possible. Learning from past rides and incidents, we have taken the liberty of having a support vehicle and a convoy medic tagging along for each ride. Our crews are also well briefed with marshaling experience to manage the convoy and riders. Sweepers stationed at the end of the convoy ensure no rider gets left behind.


For the Community

Under the Tambak Overlanders Bikers Community (TOBC) banner, our rides are also a form of community engagement, with our fans & followers in particular. Having said that, we'll use this opportunity to interact and engage with the fans & followers. We also have instances that fellow riders meeting in our rides forging friendships and even embarking on their own convoy riding trips. Fellow riders can learn and interact with each other, making the goal of our rides being a community event.

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